Member Initiatives
Member Initiatives
Hello Lucid member!
This page contains all important information about Member Initiatives (MI) such as: How to start a Member Initiative & previously organized initiatives.
A Member Initiative is an event completely set up by members themselves. If you have a cool hobby or passion, you can share this with the association by organising a Member Initiative. You can go as crazy as you want! Think of knitting, watching movies, or playing volleyball together. When organising a Member Initiative, you will get a small budget and some help from a board member! We will support you to make your ideas a reality, but ultimately, it is your event!
It is a great way to support your dreams, inspire members, and connect people together, whilst developing your professional and organizational skills!
So, if you are ready to set up your own member initiative fill in the forms below! Or scroll down to see previously organized member initiatives.
Vollyballin' with the Homies
Craft Beertasting

On the 22nd of September a volleyball tournament was held on Koeveld. Teams competed for the win while enjoying some (healthy) snacks and drinks. After the nerve-wrecking finale, the teams celebrated with a drink in the bar.
In the evening of November 14, people went through a flavor-oriented journey through the world of craftbeers. Hunger was stilled by a food pairing, all while learning about craftbeers and the making process.
Vollyballin' with the Homies
Mart Jonkman | - |
Thijs Rexwinkel | - |
Dave van Zon | - |
Beer Tasting
Karel Aarts | - |
Jens Vervoort | - |