ID Connect evaluation

Dear participant,

Thank you for joining ID Connect 2023! It was an amazing evening and hopefully, you made many connections with other students and companies. As we would like to make sure the next addition fits the needs of students too, we want to ask for feedback. Below you can find the form. If you want to talk more in-depth, feel free to talk with one of the committee members!

ID Connect 2023 consisted of:

  • 3-minute pitches of 3 companies with a panel afterwards about their vision and work environment
  • Design case presentations by 3 groups that worked on a challenge of PostNL
  • 2 network rounds with 7 stands of the companies Clarify, Hable One, Scope, Picnic, Morgenmakers, Bureau Moeilijke Dingen and PostNL

Thank you in advance for filling in the form. We appreciate your attendance and input. See you next year!

Scroll down for the questions!

Kind regards,

ID Connect Committee

Evaluation questions